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Showing posts from June, 2017

Little information about sciatic exercises

In the treatment of sciatica, what is the cause of it is considered. This differs by person. The cause that causes sciatica is very important in the treatment. The treatment of sciatica always focuses on the place where irritation is. The treatment will therefore often take place in the back, the pelvis or the car. If you have complaints about ischaemia and want to treat it, you should always contact your doctor. It is wise to go to the GP if you have the following complaints: The complaints last for a week and have not become less. You will be hampered in your functioning. In tingling, burning or deaf feeling in leg or foot. Reduction of strength in your legs. Increase complaints. If you go to the GP, they will investigate your complaint pattern. It will also discuss possible causes with you. In addition, a physical examination takes place. After these tests, the GP will determine what further steps will be taken. If the ischiatic complaints are present to a limited extent, ...

About sciatica

Sciatica is a syndrome that manifests itself in the form of pain spreading along the sciatic nerve. Its origin is associated with the compression of the roots of the spinal cord, located at the level of the lumbar spine. Sciatica almost never occurs until 30 years. All patients are older people. There are a lot of reasons that can lead to compression of the nerve roots and the appearance of lumbosacral radiculitis. In this regard, the manifestations of sciatica can vary greatly from person to person. Structure of the lumbar spine The lumbar spine is represented by five vertebrae, which are large in comparison with the others, the massive front part - the body, - and the spinal processes behind it (the protruding posterior part of the vertebra - see the illustration). Between the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae are intervertebral discs. Structure of the intervertebral disc: The pulpous (gelatinous) nucleus is in the central part and plays the role of a shock absorber during ...

5 steps to sciatica pain relief

1- Apply self-care methods. Do sciatic exercises. Try reducing pain. Remove the pain-increasing factors from your life. Most of the time it will work. 2- Drug use. If self-care methods are not enough, use medicines prescribed by your doctor. 3- Physical therapy After your pain has passed, practice your doctor's program. You are probably your doctor, will correct your posture, strengthen your back muscles, exercise your body to make it flexible. 4- Steroid injections Your doctor may recommend injecting a corticosteroid drug into the area around the nerve root. This can help reduce your pain. Frequent application will result in side effects. 5- Operation It is usually not preferred. Patients with intestinal or bladder incontinence can be operated by a doctor.

The causes of sciatica disease in 9 steps

Is a painful disease in the nerve called "sciatica" which extends from the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae to the heels. Sciatica pain manifests itself in two ways: either a constantly mild pain or a severe pain that occasionally occurs. The pain extends along the sciatic nerve, from hips to heels. Sciatica pain is sometimes confused with "belly button". The patient is laid down on the back to see that the pain is caused by the sciatic nerve. The leg is lifted up slowly while in tension. The sciatic suspicion becomes definite if there is a screeching pain extending from the back of the thigh to the bicep or even to the foot. The longer the leg is raised, the more severe the pain will be. Sciatic causes: There are many different causes of sciatica. We can list the headlines as follows: Spinal calcification Tumors of the spine Disk hernias Spinal tuberculosis (congenital) Some birth injuries Fractures, dislocations and bruises in the lower parts of the ...

Symptoms of sciatica in a few steps

There are several ways to describe sciatic anomalies. To say the least: Those who suffer from sciatic pain often express their pain as follows: "I feel like pulling from my body to my feet" or "I feel as painful as my legs." This means pain sciatica sciatica pain. "The patient may say that the pain spreads to the lower part of the body and that the sciatic pain is spinalized and visible on the hip or perhaps in the stump, but almost all areas of the sciatic nerves feel a little uncom fortable, but the pain usually follows the hip, waist, lower back. The sense of pain can be as sharp as possible and can not be tolerated. Sometimes it feels like a jolt or an electric shock. Symptoms may worsen if you cough or sneeze. In addition, prolonged sitting also worsens the indications. Manifestations usually manifest themselves on one side of the body.

Sciatica pain relief

If sciatic pain has not improved with self-care treatments, the following medications will probably be offered: Prescription medicines prescribed for sciatic pain include:  Anti-inflammatories   Muscle relaxers Narcotics (sedatives)   Tricyclic antidepressants   Anti-seizure drugs  Physiotheraphy  When the patient's acute pain is over, the physician or physio therapist will design a rehabilitation program to help prevent recurrent injuries. This program usually includes exercises such as improving the posture, strengthening and supporting the back muscles and giving the body flexibility. Steroid injections In some cases, your doctor may recommend injecting a corticosteroid drug in the area around the perineal nerve root. Corticosteroids help to relieve pain by suppressing inflammation around the irritated nerve. It usually takes effect within a few months. The number of steroid injections is limited because of the increased...

What is sciatica, how to understand

It is usually a pain that results from compressing the nerves of a discoid or bones on the spine. Sciatica or sciatica pain refers to the pain that develops from the bottom of the back to the hips and along the nerves that descend from either head. Typically, the sciatica affects only one side of the body. Often a dyspnea on the spine or a compression of the nerves of the bone is a resultant pain. This condition also causes inflammation and numbness in the affected leg. Some of the sciatic-associated aches may be very severe. However, in most cases complaints are resolved by conservative treatment for several weeks. Surgery after six weeks of treatment in severe pain will reduce the pressure on the nerve. What is Sciatica There is a nerve in the human body called sciatic. This pain caused by the nerve is called sciatica. Should a doctor be consulted for sciatica pain?  The sciatic pain at a slight degree usually passes by itself over time. With home self-care methods, do not ...