If you have complaints about ischaemia and want to treat it, you should always contact your doctor. It is wise to go to the GP if you have the following complaints:
The complaints last for a week and have not become less.
You will be hampered in your functioning.
In tingling, burning or deaf feeling in leg or foot.
Reduction of strength in your legs.
Increase complaints.
If you go to the GP, they will investigate your complaint pattern. It will also discuss possible causes with you. In addition, a physical examination takes place. After these tests, the GP will determine what further steps will be taken. If the ischiatic complaints are present to a limited extent, treatment usually takes place through pain medication and advice is given to keep moving. Staying in motion is very important in the case of sciatica complaints. The longer you stay silent the more the strength of the muscles can take off. If the muscle strength decreases then this affects the joints. The stability of the joints then goes backwards. It is then important to get a reference to an exercise therapist.
Sciatica exercises
The (practicing) therapist will do certain exercises to strengthen the muscles. This will also increase the stability of the joints. To get started, please visit the Ischias Exercises page. If the ischiatic complaints are severe and prolonged, they will be referred to a specialist. The specialist is going to see what he can do about the sciatica complaints.Usually, most back pain caused by sciatica is self-reliant. If you have acute pain, the first solution is pain relief. In addition, it is very important to keep moving and doing this in a responsible way. By doing some exercises you can strengthen your muscles, which will reduce the complaints and prevent any complaints.
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