It is usually a pain that results from compressing the nerves of a discoid or bones on the spine. Sciatica or sciatica pain refers to the pain that develops from the bottom of the back to the hips and along the nerves that descend from either head. Typically, the sciatica affects only one side of the body. Often a dyspnea on the spine or a compression of the nerves of the bone is a resultant pain. This condition also causes inflammation and numbness in the affected leg. Some of the sciatic-associated aches may be very severe. However, in most cases complaints are resolved by conservative treatment for several weeks. Surgery after six weeks of treatment in severe pain will reduce the pressure on the nerve.
If sciatic pain has not improved with self-care treatments, the following medications will probably be offered: Prescription medicines prescribed for sciatic pain include: Anti-inflammatories Muscle relaxers Narcotics (sedatives) Tricyclic antidepressants Anti-seizure drugs Physiotheraphy When the patient's acute pain is over, the physician or physio therapist will design a rehabilitation program to help prevent recurrent injuries. This program usually includes exercises such as improving the posture, strengthening and supporting the back muscles and giving the body flexibility. Steroid injections In some cases, your doctor may recommend injecting a corticosteroid drug in the area around the perineal nerve root. Corticosteroids help to relieve pain by suppressing inflammation around the irritated nerve. It usually takes effect within a few months. The number of steroid injections is limited because of the increased...
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